
We are constantly on the lookout for the best talent. View the latest opportunities at Metacube for fresh graduates and experienced professionals alike.


We are constantly on the lookout for the best talent. If you are a talented engineer with a passion for creating technology enabled solutions that add value not just to enterprises, but also the society at large, you belong in Metacube.


We are looking for youngsters who are brimming with energy, ideas and zeal to learn. We are coming to your college.

A Learning Organization!
Innovation Engine
All work and no play - Not at all

We are serious about fun

We believe in the oft repeated phrase, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. You need to visit us to see how we live by this phrase.

At Metacube, we believe in building a fun a workplace that everybody looks forward to coming to every morning. The benefits of having a fun environment at work cannot be overemphasized. It’s no secret that building a fun work culture builds deeper bonds amongst team members and boosts productivity.

We support various sports on our campus including table tennis, badminton, volleyball and cricket. We even have annual tournaments internally which are fiercely competitive, and would at times match the frenzy of professional leagues. These games offer great experience in leadership, team building and teamwork.

For those who focus on fitness we have a well-equipped gym, where you can channel your inner Hercules by lifting a few weights, or having a go at the treadmill.

Other than sports our annual calendar includes several informal cultural events such as Dandiya, kite flying, theme based room decoration, and a fun filled annual dinner with families. In addition to these the teams have their individual parties, movie shows and picnics.

A Metacubian for sure is not a dull boy or a girl, and is somebody who looks forward to be in the office to work hard and have fun.

Innovation Engine
A learning organization

Our beginnings in education define us

Before we re-incarnated ourselves as Metacube in 2004, we spent fifteen years in providing software engineering training and were conferred the National Award for Excellence four times. This invaluable experience has helped us in creating a learning organization that is strong at spotting talent, designing mentoring programs, and fostering an environment that values mentoring and learning.

A typical Metacubian is someone who not only enjoys learning new things, but derives greater satisfaction in sharing his learnings with his teammates through presentations, one on one sessions, and informal discussions over a cup of coffee.

We are dedicated to improving ourselves. Our people are encouraged to experiment, and find new ways of doing things. We keep up-to-date on the latest developments in tech. Many of us are active bloggers, we participate in technical forums. And in our projects, we believe spending as less time in conjecture as possible – instead emphasizing on failing fast, and often.

Our leadership ethos too, is defined by minimum management and maximum mentorship. A Metacubian takes greater pride in being a coach or mentor than being a manager. This persistent and continuous learning and mentoring cycle ensures that we are increasing the level of expertise and excellence each day, which is so vital to our profession and our clients.

Innovation Engine
What makes a Metacubian?

Our hiring philosophy

We are constantly looking for people who are talented, and are passionate about working with some of the brightest minds around the world leveraging technology to create solutions that add value to the enterprises and society at large.

We know hen’s teeth are rare, that’s why we do everything to search through the high and low for the very best people.

Strong conceptual foundations is the key Our hiring to a large extent is technology agnostic. We are looking for people with strong conceptual foundations in software engineering covering areas like programming paradigms (imperative, object oriented, functional, aspect oriented), data structures, algorithms, concurrency models, design principles and patterns, databases, development life cycles and software quality assurance.

Expertise on a technology stack While concepts play a critical role in our assessment process, we also look for how good is a person when it comes to hands on development with a technology stack. How does he look at a particular technology? Is technology for him just a collection of details, or is he able to correlate it back to his conceptual foundations? Does he have the capability to translate his knowledge of one technology stack to another technology stack?

Learnability With the rapid pace of innovation in software industry it is impossible to find a person who is “all knowing”; and at the same time an organization cannot afford its engineers becoming obsolete every couple of years.

Hence our emphasis is also on finding people who can continuously build on their existing foundations, and assimilate new concepts and technology to expand their knowledge and skill set.

Love for technology Love for technology is a common strand running across Metacubians, and is deeply ingrained in our psyche. We are excited about technology, and its application in creating impactful solutions. Each one of us, senior or junior, loves being hands on and enjoys getting his or her hands dirty to design, code and test something useful, elegant and beautiful. Our greatest pride is the work we produce.

A balanced head on the shoulder While it is important for a person to have the required knowledge and skills, it is even more important for the person to have the right attitude as an individual contributor and a team player. We are looking for people who have a holistic attitude towards profession and life; and are committed to individual, team, customer and organization success.